Gen-Y's take on journalism

How can one presume that what the aspiring journalists want? The ones, who believe that living independent is the way of life today, the one who say that having control of one’s ideas, minds and career is the mature way to live. So what is their take on women journalists and the beats assigned to them? With the aim to answer this question, Asha Jhabakh and Dishya Sharma went out and met many aspiring journalists and this is what they have to say. 

A pen that has changed the way a paper looks; a story that has gone ahead than plain entertainment or infotainment and a bold step that changed the way the media industry look at women, women journalists have strived hard for a position in the industry.

Few years back, many believed that women journalists were fit to be only feature writers which involved less risk, less time at job and easy to deal with stories. With the passing time, this trend has changed. There are more and more women journalists that are getting involved in issues that require more time and fortitude towards completing the story. A woman journalist has started walking on the path, that was believed, was made for men only. Where many have established themselves in the field already, there are many budding journalists who look forward to joining various challenged fields. A research was done keeping the budding journalists in mind and aimed at understanding their mindsets. Here the research is aimed at the age group of 18 to 23 who are pursuing journalism or mass communication and look forward to be part of the print industry. The study is aiming at women in Chennai alone. The limitations to the study are that since there is less time and it is for college purpose, the reach cannot be wider.

As the study was carried out in city, mainly college students who are about to join the industry were used as the sample group and the frame size was fifty. The questionnaire consisted of fifteen questions which touched up on the idea about of working in the print industry that included the magazine and newspaper line. The questionnaire first asked why the sample group chose the print medium.

 Around 39 percent of the participants said that they took up print medium as they have the flair for writing while another 39 percent say that they want to change the way the society functions. They want to make a difference in the society with the help up writing. While there are 13 percent of the people who believe that the industry is growing and they see themselves as a part of the industry.

Out of the sample, 56 percent of the women participants say that want to be a part of the hard news desk. Out of the 56 percent of the people, 50 percent of the women want to take up crime, 25 percent want to try a hand in sports and 17 percent of the samples are interested in various other beats that comes under Hard news. While 44 percent of the women of the sample prefer soft news writing and choosing the field of fashion as their specialization.

The aspiring journalists who are ready to enter the industry do have some hopes set with how they will be treated in a newspaper organisation. 28 percent of the participants want to be directed to the work, they want to be assigned on to a beat. 36 percent want to enjoy the privilege of choosing the beat that they want to work for and the remaining 36 percent women do not mind if they are assigned to a beat or are given the opportunity to choose. The sample group was asked whether they would want to work for the newspaper industry or the newspaper industry, 54 percent of the women said that they’d prefer writing for newspaper but there are about 46 percent of women who would want to write for magazines. The ones who want to work in a newspaper organization say that it is a daily routine and work is done on a daily process but there were a group of respondents who said that they want to work in magazine because of two main reasons – scope for exploring more beats and the glamour quotient – that attracts these writers to the field.

Since the industry has started accepting women in various fields, are the women really ready to take up the opportunity to join the fields that they have fought for? So the question was asked to the participants that which field, according to them, is carried off better than men. There were responses that explained the mindset of the sample group chosen. The answers included statements like “Genres like fashion film and entertainment is carried off better than men because they have better knowledge about the field than men and have hands on experience than men”, “Men and women have different perspectives of the same thing. I think women can look at human interest stories with a bit more compassion. I'm not saying men lack it, because every person can feel empathy and compassion, but women can think broader and therefore might delve more into the story” and “soft beats are carried off better by women than men because a woman knows the most in the fashion, tradition, exploring to the society and they are more ever good in communication to the society explain to the society very clearly” stated very clearly that many women aspiring journalists still do not take the opportunity to place themselves in varied fields like sports, business, politics, crime and finance.
Women journalists have to take up the right that they fought to achieve and break the stereotypes of women suited for art, entertainment and feature writing. The research has resulted in a conclusion that women journalists are still following the stereotypical road. 

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